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New AFR rates have been announced by HMRC

HMRC has released the Advisory Fuel Rates (AFR) that will apply from 1st September 2015.

It has been revealed that diesel rates are reduced across all engine sizes while petrol rates remain the same, except for engines sizes of 1400cc, which have decreased 1ppm.

AFRs are updated four times a year. They only apply to businesses reimbursing employees for work-related travel using company cars or when employees are requested to repay fuel costs for private travel.

Previous rates are applicable up until October 1st 2015. Hybrid cars are treated as either petrol or diesel cars for AFR purposes.

Advisory Fuel Rates from 1st September 2015:

Engine size Petrol LPG
1400cc or less 11p 7p
1401cc to 2000cc 14p 9p
Over 2000cc 21p 14p
Engine size Diesel
1600cc or less 9p
1601cc to 2000cc 11p
Over 2000cc 13p
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